"The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me" Isaiah 61:1a
Peter Goldishman
His Majesty King Peter of Mount Vema, The Vema Seamount Authority,
Sovereign of the Kingdom of Mount Vema, Admiral of the Fleet, and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.
His Majesty King Peter of Mount Vema, The Vema Seamount Authority,
Sovereign of the Kingdom of Mount Vema, Admiral of the Fleet, and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.
Peter Goldishman always sees an opportunity and has managed to propel his territory to its greatest ever imagined state of wealth and prominence. Since the Declaration of Sovereignty in 2006, Peter has seen an increase in the value of the Vema Seamount territory and its fishing resources.
Although a review of his record as a young man shows he is a product of business ventures in a variety of industry sectors that sometimes did not pay off and a risk-taking past stretching from failed magazine publishing and film productions to property and a record of small time ventures, it has prepared him well to become the safe pair of hands for which he has become known, with a personal wealth worth more than ₲1.2 trillion golles in assets. Plus a projected annual revenue in billions of golles from real estate investments to communications, transportation, technology, entertainment, and retail. His risk-taking past has finally paid off.
Once an appropriator turned regulator, Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority has become a very well connected man with an eye for a deal, he has learned the hard way and uses his experience, knowledge and connections to better administer his territory, as well as to advise others on a variety of issues including on how to maximize revenues, to create employment, and build better societies.
Although a review of his record as a young man shows he is a product of business ventures in a variety of industry sectors that sometimes did not pay off and a risk-taking past stretching from failed magazine publishing and film productions to property and a record of small time ventures, it has prepared him well to become the safe pair of hands for which he has become known, with a personal wealth worth more than ₲1.2 trillion golles in assets. Plus a projected annual revenue in billions of golles from real estate investments to communications, transportation, technology, entertainment, and retail. His risk-taking past has finally paid off.
Once an appropriator turned regulator, Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority has become a very well connected man with an eye for a deal, he has learned the hard way and uses his experience, knowledge and connections to better administer his territory, as well as to advise others on a variety of issues including on how to maximize revenues, to create employment, and build better societies.
Peter Goldishman and the Ocean
Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority, has a particularly intimate relationship with the ocean, especially the South East Atlantic Ocean, more than anyone can imagine. Peter was born in Lobito, and swimming and fishing was always his passion. So, he understands the importance of the regional marine life as a food source from an early age.
As a child, he has always been brave, and a secretive risk taker, swimming to far distances alone, to a sand reef just about two meters deep in Lobito – Benguela, to dig for clams. According to his Autobiography, he had to do it alone because he was not allowed by his parents, so alone he knew he could keep the secret of his adventures.
The clams digging adventures, was his early contact with the South Atlantic Ocean and the waters and currents that travel through the region. Today, it has become obvious that the connection with the South Atlantic has been there all along, and the geography of Vema Seamount means Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority understands how to work in balance with the oceans. He knows that a failure to work with the oceans will mean a failure to sustain the economy of the Kingdom of Mount Vema and the worldwide communities that depend on fisheries for food.
Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority, has a particularly intimate relationship with the ocean, especially the South East Atlantic Ocean, more than anyone can imagine. Peter was born in Lobito, and swimming and fishing was always his passion. So, he understands the importance of the regional marine life as a food source from an early age.
As a child, he has always been brave, and a secretive risk taker, swimming to far distances alone, to a sand reef just about two meters deep in Lobito – Benguela, to dig for clams. According to his Autobiography, he had to do it alone because he was not allowed by his parents, so alone he knew he could keep the secret of his adventures.
The clams digging adventures, was his early contact with the South Atlantic Ocean and the waters and currents that travel through the region. Today, it has become obvious that the connection with the South Atlantic has been there all along, and the geography of Vema Seamount means Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority understands how to work in balance with the oceans. He knows that a failure to work with the oceans will mean a failure to sustain the economy of the Kingdom of Mount Vema and the worldwide communities that depend on fisheries for food.
Place of Birth: 1974 -South Atlantic East -Lobito, Religion: Christian, Christened: Paulo (1974)
The Story of Peter
The story of Peter Goldishman - The Vema Seamount Authority has always been connected with the South Atlantic East, especially Angola, Namibia and South Africa. There are memories and connections that for Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority are not just symbolic but runs deep.
The journey of Peter – The Vema Seamount Authority is not just a long one, but it has also shaped the man he is today and, has established some connections with many nations and people who he came to admire and respect.
The Story of Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority and Mount Vema
Children usually see the world in a remarkably simple way. It is all about what they see and what they hear. They are not usually ready to understand the complexity of the world. This is the reason why Peter tells his childhood stories differently in comparison to what the history books say. This may have taught him to never show much interest in ongoing stories. Sources say that if you ever tell the Vema Seamount Authority anything, he will first ask you: How does it end? Or tell me the scenarios of how it could end? Then he listens.
Why is he always interested in the end-product? The reason may be the fact that he learned throughout his journey that it is not about what you see or hear, it is how it ends. It is like saying ‘it is where you’re going, not where you are coming from’.
Multiple sources say that as a child he always had a great respect for the people of Namibia, the ones he knew then as the ‘SWAPO’ because these were the men, he saw every day in a land that had nothing to do with them and died in the front line so their land and the others could be free. You may tell the story differently but to him as a child that was what he saw.
As a child he always had a great respect for the people of Cuba because these were the men, he saw every day in a land that had nothing to do with them and died in the front line so others could be free. You may tell the story differently but to him as a child that was what he saw.
As a child he always had a great respect for the people of Russia because these were the men, he saw every day proving technical support in a land that had nothing to do with them and so others could be free. You may tell the story differently but to him as a child that was what he saw.
As a child, at a certain time of the day, at home he always heard a radio in the background with the volume turned slightly down. It was World News, the other side of the story. He was not the one listening, it was his father. So, he wondered how in the mist of all could they be so informed? Who were their sources? But usually just thoughts. So, he developed a great respect for the journalists who somehow got his father informed. You may tell the story differently but to him as a child that was what he heard.
Then he heard of the struggles of the men of the ANC in South Africa, and the collective efforts for freedom and to liberate Nelson Mandela. So it all started to become clearer that the men and women of the ANC, the men and women of Namibia (The SWAPO), the youth of Angola dying day after day, the Cubans and the Russians somehow had a common purpose.
But history has these things, that may be one of the reasons why The Vema Seamount Authority never jump to conclusions according to sources. He always waits for the end of the story. So, the end of the story was that Nelson Mandela was freed. He became President of the Republic of South Africa, Namibia became independent, and the journey of Peter as a teenager begun without the need to have to put on the uniform because that would be inevitable as he was coming to age for preparations to join the fight alongside the forces of Angola, the Namibians, the Cubans and the men and women of the ANC.
After that stage of his life Peter begun the journey that led him to Mount Vema. During that journey he start to read and understand that there were other players that helped bring the freedom in the region he left behind and the world and one of the most important players was the President of the United States Ronald Reagan who is until now, along-side men like Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, who happened to be some of the people The Vema Seamount Authority most admire for their courage when sometimes everything seemed lost.
After a long journey outside of Angola throughout his teenage life, in the late 90s, Peter settled in the Republic of Ireland, and then he moved to London England (United Kingdom) where he lived for more than 20 years and where the story of Mount Vema begun.
How did it happen?
Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority has never been a man who does things without purpose, and this is the reason why he never smoked, he sees no need for it. He does not do drugs he sees no need for it, he does not drink alcohol, he is not a fan of night life except if it is a special occasion, and he does not like gambling either. If you ever hear anything negative about him, is in business, where his risky ventures have caused him problems in the past.
However, there is something above all that he loves, and that is the ocean. Peter loves the sea. The humanitarian side of him, led him to the thought of building a city somewhere at sea to better provide aid to others free of political strings attached. So in 2006, that is when it all begun, when he was in his early thirties.
For the people of Great Britain, the Westminster Abbey which is one of the United Kingdom's most notable religious buildings and the traditional place of coronation and a burial site for English and, later, British monarchs, has an important meaning. However, for Peter it has more. It was in an office in a small street right next to Westminster Abbey that a meeting took place between Peter and a man from the Netherlands, who was the head of one of the largest maritime construction companies in the world. The man, according to our sources, was recommended to Peter by another company from the Netherlands called the Royal Van Oord, a Dutch maritime contracting company.
Prior to the meeting Peter told the man that he wanted to build a city at sea, but Peter was not sure where. So when the two men met they discussed the idea, then the Dutch man said “I have a location you will like, courtesy of our friends in the British Royal Navy”. Then charts of the South Atlantic were presented to Peter and there was ‘Vema’ hidden underwater, which at the time very few people knew about it. That is when it all begun, the story of Peter – The Vema Seamount Authority and Mount Vema.
The journey of Peter – The Vema Seamount Authority is not just a long one, but it has also shaped the man he is today and, has established some connections with many nations and people who he came to admire and respect.
The Story of Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority and Mount Vema
Children usually see the world in a remarkably simple way. It is all about what they see and what they hear. They are not usually ready to understand the complexity of the world. This is the reason why Peter tells his childhood stories differently in comparison to what the history books say. This may have taught him to never show much interest in ongoing stories. Sources say that if you ever tell the Vema Seamount Authority anything, he will first ask you: How does it end? Or tell me the scenarios of how it could end? Then he listens.
Why is he always interested in the end-product? The reason may be the fact that he learned throughout his journey that it is not about what you see or hear, it is how it ends. It is like saying ‘it is where you’re going, not where you are coming from’.
Multiple sources say that as a child he always had a great respect for the people of Namibia, the ones he knew then as the ‘SWAPO’ because these were the men, he saw every day in a land that had nothing to do with them and died in the front line so their land and the others could be free. You may tell the story differently but to him as a child that was what he saw.
As a child he always had a great respect for the people of Cuba because these were the men, he saw every day in a land that had nothing to do with them and died in the front line so others could be free. You may tell the story differently but to him as a child that was what he saw.
As a child he always had a great respect for the people of Russia because these were the men, he saw every day proving technical support in a land that had nothing to do with them and so others could be free. You may tell the story differently but to him as a child that was what he saw.
As a child, at a certain time of the day, at home he always heard a radio in the background with the volume turned slightly down. It was World News, the other side of the story. He was not the one listening, it was his father. So, he wondered how in the mist of all could they be so informed? Who were their sources? But usually just thoughts. So, he developed a great respect for the journalists who somehow got his father informed. You may tell the story differently but to him as a child that was what he heard.
Then he heard of the struggles of the men of the ANC in South Africa, and the collective efforts for freedom and to liberate Nelson Mandela. So it all started to become clearer that the men and women of the ANC, the men and women of Namibia (The SWAPO), the youth of Angola dying day after day, the Cubans and the Russians somehow had a common purpose.
But history has these things, that may be one of the reasons why The Vema Seamount Authority never jump to conclusions according to sources. He always waits for the end of the story. So, the end of the story was that Nelson Mandela was freed. He became President of the Republic of South Africa, Namibia became independent, and the journey of Peter as a teenager begun without the need to have to put on the uniform because that would be inevitable as he was coming to age for preparations to join the fight alongside the forces of Angola, the Namibians, the Cubans and the men and women of the ANC.
After that stage of his life Peter begun the journey that led him to Mount Vema. During that journey he start to read and understand that there were other players that helped bring the freedom in the region he left behind and the world and one of the most important players was the President of the United States Ronald Reagan who is until now, along-side men like Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, who happened to be some of the people The Vema Seamount Authority most admire for their courage when sometimes everything seemed lost.
After a long journey outside of Angola throughout his teenage life, in the late 90s, Peter settled in the Republic of Ireland, and then he moved to London England (United Kingdom) where he lived for more than 20 years and where the story of Mount Vema begun.
How did it happen?
Peter - The Vema Seamount Authority has never been a man who does things without purpose, and this is the reason why he never smoked, he sees no need for it. He does not do drugs he sees no need for it, he does not drink alcohol, he is not a fan of night life except if it is a special occasion, and he does not like gambling either. If you ever hear anything negative about him, is in business, where his risky ventures have caused him problems in the past.
However, there is something above all that he loves, and that is the ocean. Peter loves the sea. The humanitarian side of him, led him to the thought of building a city somewhere at sea to better provide aid to others free of political strings attached. So in 2006, that is when it all begun, when he was in his early thirties.
For the people of Great Britain, the Westminster Abbey which is one of the United Kingdom's most notable religious buildings and the traditional place of coronation and a burial site for English and, later, British monarchs, has an important meaning. However, for Peter it has more. It was in an office in a small street right next to Westminster Abbey that a meeting took place between Peter and a man from the Netherlands, who was the head of one of the largest maritime construction companies in the world. The man, according to our sources, was recommended to Peter by another company from the Netherlands called the Royal Van Oord, a Dutch maritime contracting company.
Prior to the meeting Peter told the man that he wanted to build a city at sea, but Peter was not sure where. So when the two men met they discussed the idea, then the Dutch man said “I have a location you will like, courtesy of our friends in the British Royal Navy”. Then charts of the South Atlantic were presented to Peter and there was ‘Vema’ hidden underwater, which at the time very few people knew about it. That is when it all begun, the story of Peter – The Vema Seamount Authority and Mount Vema.
No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, "And their righteousness is from Me," Says the LORD. Isaiah 54:17
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The Legal Entities of Mount Vema
COUNTRY CODES IN USE Mount Vema Country Code: OV / MOV Mount Vema Numeric Country Code: 507 Currency Code: VSG Top-Level Domain: .com, and .ov (proposed) Proposed Telephone Country Code: +294 |
International Treaties – Ratified by the Kingdom of Mount Vema
Law of the Sea Treaty (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) MARPOL 73/78 (Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships) The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations 1963 |
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